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October 5, 2000 |
whelp, the Litany world tour resumes with stops in delightful Raleigh & Nashville over the next few days. I?ll update when I can.
?and now that pretty much everyone has received their ?track 10? cd?s, I?ll be adding the ?win a ?track 10? cd? contest. I?ll announce the details and other prizes about this time next week.
oh yah, I almost forgot. the ?Too Dark Park? tour posters are sold out. I hope everyone who wanted one got one.
this dude has
created some of the best fan made skinny puppy remixes; imho. with that
in mind head, over to triptamine?s
home page for his juicy mp3?d remix of ?tormentor.? I highly recommend
October 4, 2000 |
good ?ole armand @ nettwerk sent over the cover art and tracklist for ?Crystal Mass? due out in roughly three weeks. October 24th couldn?t get here fast enough for me. you too?
Double Spades
Effect, The
Desert Island
Her Majesty's
Trusted Food Taster
Feathered Friends
To Mourn The
Death Of Color
Six Of One
October 2, 2000 |
with the apparent success of the Skinny Puppy ?Track 10? single, Subconscious Communications is planning a few more internet-only releases. no timetable has been set for the below planned release list that I yanked from the SubCon merchandise page. gives you something else to look forward to doesn?t it?
September 29, 2000 |
in the september 27th update I listed a place, martz mailorder, that was selling Skinny Puppy Doomsday t-shirts. as it turns out these are not official Doomsday t-shits. they appear to be bootleg copies. therefore the quality and actual layout / design of the t-shirts is unknown.
I apologize if you have ordered a shirt from these guys; my best suggestion is to cancel your order. if you are considering ordering from these guys I do not advise it. who knows what you?ll actually get, if anything at all.
sorry for jumping the gun on this folks. it looked legit to me.
some of
you may recall from a while back how I mentioned how the remaining Doomsday
t-shirts will be sold. that is still going to happen at some point. I highly
recommend not ordering from those jokers and hanging in there until the
authentic Doomsday t-shirts are available.
September 28, 2000 |
September 27, 2000 |
this site also lists the ?track 10? cd as available too, but I hear it?s sold out.
if you?re dying for a Skinny Puppy t-shirt from Doomsday here?s a site for you to try. these guys are located in germany and I?ve never done business with them so I can?t give an opinion one way or another about ?em. but as I mentioned, if you want to give it a shot, check out the ?angebote? section of MARTZ Mailorder. tks to geoff for the link.
Update::: in the september 27th update I listed a place, martz mailorder, that was selling Skinny Puppy Doomsday t-shirts. as it turns out these are not official Doomsday t-shits. they appear to be bootleg copies. therefore the quality and actual layout / design of the t-shirts is unknown.
I apologize if you have ordered a shirt from these guys; my best suggestion is to cancel your order. if you are considering ordering from these guys I do not advise it. who knows what you?ll actually get, if anything at all.
sorry for jumping the gun on this folks. it looked legit to me.
some of
you may recall from a while back how I mentioned how the remaining Doomsday
t-shirts will be sold. that is still going to happen at some point. I highly
recommend not ordering from those jokers and hanging in there until the
authentic Doomsday t-shirts are available.
Doomsday stuff continues to trickle in. the below shots were taken by our croatian friend Hrvoje, now living in Georgia.
September 23, 2000 |
russian gothic page has a review of the Doomsday event [in Russian, duh] and a whole bunch of pictures. I saw these links on epilogue.
while we?re
on the subject of russian pages. i met this guy before Doomsday and he
told me he was working skinny puppy website completely in flash. whelp,
it is.
if you live in Hamburg yer in for a treat. you?ll have two chances to catch that Ogre interview [mentioned in sept. 18th?s update] on TV. oh, a little birdie told me crazy clip show will be playing ?worlock? live from Doomsday. this is the only live video of Doomsday to appear so far. so catch it if you can!
if anyone?s able to tape the show please contact me.
below is the show info:::
alex veronac, one of the few dudes not wearing black at Doomsday, had five of the pictures he took published on-line by canada?s chartattack click here for the direct link to the pics and here?s alex?s hyphen.one homepage where, as you may remember, a bunch more of his Doomsday pics are housed.
September 22, 2000 |
high everybody. I?ve been busy has hell these last two days. I?ve got a ton of pics and links to get up, but that won't happen ?till saturday morning. sorry, got do that that ?real world? thang again. in the meantime here?s some info that may interest those of you who ordered ?track 10? and / or TDP posters.
cEvin dropped
me a quick e-mail to help answer some general questions / problems out
there regarding obtaining the cd?s and posters.
September 20, 2000 |
track 10 - check your mailbox::: if you ordered the skinny puppy ?track 10? single and / or the TDP poster and you sent your money in right away, you should be receiving your order right about now.
congrats go out to::: win9x skinny puppy startup logo author mike hughes. dude?s getting married sept. 30th. my sincere best wishes go to you and your future wife.
new URLs::: just so yah know. the home page changed for Subconscious has been changed www.subconsciousstudios.com.
?and this page can now also be found at www.litany.net. sure it?s advert filled but it?s a simpler way to remember this url.
SP in Kerrang! magazine::: england?s kerrang! magazine [#819, sept. 16 2000] had a section called ?'100 greatest riffs... ever!? clocking in at 100 is Skinny Puppy?s ?Tin Omen.? below is the text as provided by al benson.
September 18, 2000 |
where to start. hummm? first off, this is a very good interview. there are a few quite good questions and answers in this guy. sure there?s the required ?will SP record again? question but don?t be deterred. and as a bonus there?s a few pictures of Ogre with his makeup half done before the show. that alone should make this worth the click.
oh, I almost forgot. the interview was conducted by our good german friend thomas t., who I?m sorry I didn?t get to speak with more at Doomsday [yer tattoo looks great btw], right after the press conference. the interview was done for the crazy clip show and it can be found via direct link right here.
below is yer clip. ogre is responding to a questions regarding the longevity of Skinny Puppy. imho, his response is dead on.
September 17, 2000 |
yipe!!! first hurricane of the year. hold on tight my west coast of florida brothers brothers and sisters.
armand @ nettwerk sent over a reminder regarding the garage sale nettwerk?s having next saturday. if you dwell nearby this may be a good chance go grab some cheep stuff. below be the info:::
All CD's, merchandise, vinyl, DVD's, videos will be sold for VERY CHEAP prices. We'll also be having special LIVE performances by two acts, Flannel Jimmy and Jesse Farrell. There will be also be contests and free giveaways (while supplies last), so be sure to come and check it out!
This means we'll have items on sale for Sarah McLachlan, Delerium, Skinny Puppy, Download, Hilt, Tara MacLean, Consolidated, Mystery Machine, Rose Chronicles and pretty much every damn artist who is, or was, on the Nettwerk label. If you're a fan of Nettwerk, and DON'T find something you'll like at this garage sale, then we'll be very much surprised.
Rain or shine.
September 15, 2000 |
no Ogre ?Ohgr? lp in october::: yup. AltPress is wrong again. spitfire is NOT releasing the first of two Ogre / Mark Walk LP?s in oct. sorry, looks like late winter or 2001 more than likely. tks to jason hensley for helping confirm this bit-o-news.
Ogre @ Banff Centre for the Arts::: that?s where ogre was hang?n last spring as an artist in residence before Doomsday. no big news here but m2 noticed how one kevin ogilvie is listed in the ?past residencies? section. below?s what it has to say about Ohgrrrr:::
I didn?t notice this and a bunch of everyone else didn?t either, but check this out...
remember the post I made back on august 29th called ?annoying skinny puppy singles / b-sides review?? well?Deryk Hagar noticed that the reviewer, April Ryan, had ripped off a paragraph from the Nettwerk catalogue. how much does that suck? how much do you want to bet maneater, the student on-line college rag, doesn?t care? but hell, just for the fun of it?
here?s the paragraph from the nettwerk catalogue:::
September 13, 2000 |
September 12, 2000 |
three Skinny Puppy video?s on-line @ launch.com::: sure it?s weird to see these video?s on launch.com but here?s the big news. you can stream these fellahs in a huge 300k format. so if you don?t have these guys on tape and you?ve got a fat pipe [or a small one, it scales down to 28k] videos are available for ?worlock,? ?killing game? and ?Spasmolytic.? tks to rODenT for noticing this.
correction & new ticket scan from 1st German SP show:::remember the update from sept 4th where thorn from VAC had sent over three remarkable live pics from the first Skinny Puppy show ever in Europe? welp, I listed the date of the show as Oct. 20th ?96. I stand correct, it was the 21st not the 20th and eric242 sent over a scan of his ticket to prove it. below?s the ticket.
Skinny Puppy TDP Tour poster sale status::: as of about midday yesterday the ?Too Dark Park? tour posters were about 75% gone. so again, if yer thinking about getting one you may want to before it?s too late.
tks to dk from the Forum for the next bit of info::: there?s a pic of the poster here on e-bay. notice what it went for?
scroll down to
sept. 5th?s update for ordering info.
September 11, 2000 |
subconscious Cannabis Cup 2000
don?t you just love a competition where there?s only varying degrees of winners? me too?
every so often an indispensable contest is held where only the strongest prevail. in this case, it?s the strongest weed that prevails.
the SubConscious crew hit Amsterdam after Doomsday and were faced with a challenge::: rank the ten best / strongest types of bud [by coffee shop] and the top five coffee shops in A-dam. below?s the best of the best as compiled by one cEvin Key:::
August 2000
(oz Vorburgwall)
3. BAR 36
1. Super Silver
Haze - Greenhouse (2nd year in a row first place)
2. Buddahs Sister
- Dampkring
3. Misty - Bar
4. White Widow
- Greenhouse
5. Punta Blanca
- Dampkring
looks like Nettwerk?s hav?n a sale! [g]
actually the deals do look pretty damn good and here?s the important part: all the Skinny Puppy singles are out of print and this may be your last chance to grab them. I?m sure there are still quite a bit on the shelves around the world too btw. but? if you?re a new fan and want the whole collection of the singles or you?re trying to round out what you have this may interest yah.
got a question about something? call nettwerk directly @ 1-800-764-3472 [and ask for armand or sam! ?well no, not really.]
{just for the fun of it::: if you order, tell them you saw the deal here. once again I?m curious to see what kind of effect[or] we have. more on this subject if I ever get free time}
Skinny Puppy Video Collection 1984-1992 VHS/NTSC for $10 each (+ $4 shipping)
All SP albums regularly $14 now $10 (+ $2 each shipping) each.
See http://www.werkshop.com for a complete listing.
Other stuff (CD's, EP's, t-shirts, posters, etc) on sale can be found at:
This includes
Severed Heads, Tear Garden, Hilt, etc.
that?s a rhetorical question of course. I was speculating who they were and I figure some of you might be wondering also.
the first ?smothered hope? era Ogre was played by marcus scriba who also performed P.A. tasks during rehearsals. marcus ended up taking a shotgun in the chest.
some of you folks out there will recognize the second fake, VivisectVI era ogre's name. it was none other than regular internet denizen loki der quaeler! poor loki?s fate was sealed with a sniper shot to the head.
?and speaking of loki, check out the below pic from peter pauer of loki just before the fateful moment. [and here's the un-zoom'd shot]
September 8, 2000 |
I?ve got some commentary, notes and pics to go with this but hell? I figure you guys are chomping at the bit to hear this fellah. so here?s the mp3 of the press conference and I?ll post some pics and other details later today. tks to kakkerlakk. yer file was the most manageable of the trio I acquired.
it is in zip'd mp3 format and clocks in at just over 15 minutes. grab it right here!
September 7, 2000 |
btw::: this month?s AltPress lists the Ogre/Walk project called ?Ohgr? as releasing a LP titled ?Welt? on October 17th. I am attempting to confirm this information?
ok folks. be sure to catch this if yer able. it appears these guys are going to be playing the audio from the pre-Doomsday press conference I was at. I?ve been planning on typing up from notes from this but I never quite seem to get it done [sigh] like so many other things lately. so?
oh yah, if they don?t cut the beginning, that dude who asks ogre how he?s enjoying Dresden is me.
EBM is proud to present a north american radio exclusive:
09/07/00: Special interview feature with existing members of Skinny Puppy
(Cevin Key and Nivek Ogre) taped from the Press Conference at the Doomsday
Festival Dresden, Germany Aug 19-20,2000.
Also featuring
new releases from the Unit Record Label: V/A: XXXd Generation and Reset
(side project of Hypnoskull).
Also maybe special
guest appearance from Dominic of Neutronic music project in the studio.
tattoo time again::: speaking of stuff i've been slow at doing [isn't that everything these days?] check out harsh stone white's SP tattoo:::
whups. I received this back in august from drbovine before I left for germany and I forgot to post it. so?
each month in Alternative Press there is a little section called ?there & back.? in the sept 00 issue [#146] AltPress goes back 10 years and features Skinny Puppy from the Jan ?90 issue. below is the text:::
Skinny Puppy
aural and visual juggernaut were featured on the cover of A.P. 35 (Jan.
1990), after the release of "Too Dark Park." Irreconcilable differences
and the drug-related death of keyboardist Dwayne (note: they misspelled
it in the article as Duane) Goettel ended the band in 1996.
frontman Ogre spent his spring as an artist-in-residence at Canada's Banff
Center For The Arts. He and foil Mark Walk have completed two albums under
the name Ohgrr (formerly WELT) to be released this year on Spitfire label.
Multi-instrumentalist cEVIN Key (a.k.a. Kevin Crompton) has completed work
on new discs by Tear Garden and Download, and is working on a solo album
for Metropolis. He will Travel across America in late October Download/Tear
Garden/Plateau touring campaign. At presstime, the duo were working on
a special one-off Puppy reunion, to be held Aug. 20 ay Dresden, Germany's
Doomsday Festival.
mini interview right below this Titled.....
Top Dog Ogre
Looks Forward
Into The Past
A.P.: So why the reunion?
Ogre: The German promoters had been calling me for three years. Because of things that were going on in my personal life, I finally threw out a figure, thinking that they wouldn't accept it. And they did. [laughs]
A.P.: Will the performance have a theme or a story line?
Ogre: It's a "greatest-hits" kind of thing. I'm approaching this Puppy show more as an installation piece than a rock show. We're playing around with the archetype.
A.P.: Over the years, Puppy's moves have lifted by fifth-rate bands and modern-rock millionaires, and I still see the SP logo on leather jackets. Did time catch up with Puppy, or is there a nostalgia cult in force?
Ogre: Maybe everyone's running on nostalgia, but nostalgia of what? There wasn't a mass movement to what we did, but there's a lot of people that want a taste of whatever that was.
A.P.: Inevitable question: Could you and cEVIN work together again as a semi-permanent entity to create new music?
Ogre: It's
hard to say. We certainly haven't had any bad vibes. The bad vibes are
coming from people in our past who want to jump on the junket with us to
Germany! [laughs]
waaaayyy back
on march 24th of last year we talked about cEvin doing a remix that appears
on the sega album ?Sonic Adventure REMIX.? whelp there?s a mp3 up [and
it appears to be a legit one at that] on teamARTAIL.
oh yah, the song is called 'UNKNOWN from M.E.
September 5, 2000 |
yup, it?s true. in less than five days, the soon to be infamous Skinny Puppy ?track 10? cd from the Doomsday festival is sold out! if you wanted one I hope you didn?t wait to order it.
what can you do if you didn?t get a copy? well, you can get screwed on e-bay [what?s that slapping my ass?] or you can try yer luck at the stupid contest that I?ll think up in a few weeks. it?ll be easy so everyone can have a chance to win? [and btw, please do not offer me anything for it. I planned on giving it away for free and although I may be a moron, i am still plan on giving it away for free].
on a positive note the TDP tour posters are still available. as of about 2.30p est today just over half of them were gone. if you plan on getting one, now is the time to order. below?z the ordering info:::
for confirmation number ...
send confirmation
# with
$13 US plus
$4 postage within America
$6 Postage to
$7 others
to Subconscious
10061 Riverside
Drive #759
Toluca Lake
Ca 91602
September 4, 2000 |
oh yah, below?s a cool Ogre pic from the rehearsal.
yah, I know?. stupid, title but check these pictures out! Thorn of Velvet Acid Christ sent over these very cool pics. thanks a ton for sending them my way!
the three below pics are from Skinny Puppy?s first ever german concert. SP played on October 21th 1986 at Club: Logo in Bochum with Severed Heads and A Grumh! cool eh?
here's a scan of a ticket from the show. this fellah was sent in by eric242.
these next two are from the press conference.
here?s Ogre?s shopping list for the show. interesting no?
and lastly a very good shot of performance itself.
September 3, 2000 |
UPDATE::: as of 11.00pm PST last night the ?track 10? cds are half sold out and the ?Too Dark Park? posters are about 1/3 gone. if you are thinking about ordering and haven?t yet, I would.
this sale has
not yet been announced in public forums [like R.M.I.] and I expect the
remainder to go pretty quickly once that happens
cEvin, just moments ago, sent over the ordering information for both the Skinny Puppy ?Track 10? cd and the ?Too Dark Park? tour posters.
remember there are only about 400 copies remaining of this rare cd containing the missing track from ?Last Rites,? 'Left Hand Shake.' I suggest ordering right away [and note the order limit of two per person, cEvin obviously wants as many people as possible to get a copy by preventing people from hording.] and before you ask, I have no idea how many copies of the TDP tour posters are available.
and do me a favor [if yah don't mind]. if you?re ordering the cd [or poster] because you saw the info here on Litany put a note in your e-mail to cEvin saying so. I?m curious to see how many people order ?cause that saw the info here.
for confirmation number ...
send confirmation
# with
$13 US plus
$4 postage within America
$6 Postage to
$7 others
to Subconscious
10061 Riverside
Drive #759
Toluca Lake
Ca 91602
Too Dark Park
Tour Poster Skinny Puppy
e-mail ckey@jps.net
for confirmation number ( limit 2) STILL AVAILABLE
send confirmation
# with
$13 US plus
4 postage within America
$6 Postage to
$7 others
September 1, 2000 |
just as a general
note::: as many of you know the Dead Voices On Air website has been up
and down [mostly down] over the last month. whelp it appears dvoa.com has
found a home @ dvoa.at.org. tks to aeluv
who reminded me to post this. [g]
keep in mind these are low quality live recordings intended to give you an idea what Doomsday sounded like. don?t expect an advance listen of Brap 5 or anything. ?and on the same note i hereby put a pox on anyone who attempts to use any of these mp3 for insidious reasons!
every few months mike hughes makes some startup logos that are useful for spicing up the laborious process of watching windows 95/8/me boot. good for drawing your co-workers attentions too.
below are three animated gifs to give you an idea of what they look like. for the full logos [and how to install ?em] head over to mike?s startup logos.
August 31, 2000 |
sarah griffiths was kuel enough to send over 7 pics she took of Ogre during Doomsday. to the best of my knowledge this is the only foto I?ve seen of the 2nd ?fake? Ogre [right before being shot my a sniper].
?just in case you haven?t already seen this:::
August 30, 2000 |
don?t get fucked on e-bay my friends. Mr. Key will be selling those elusive ?track 10? cds from Doomsday shortly. a mere $13 + postage will net you what?s going for over $65 on e-bay these days. ain?t it funny how ?fans? will rip-off other fans?
anywho, take note, a TDP tour poster will be offered too and limited edition Download and platEAU cds will be available soon after. ain?t it great to be alive? watch this page and the Subconscious page for more details.
Also available will be the Too Dark Park tour poster. 1@15 or 2@25 plus post.
A lmtd edition Download and PlatEAU Cd will also be available soon .stay tuned.
August 29, 2000 |
Skinny Puppy pre-show meeting fotos:::
here are a few pictures from the pre-Doomsday Skinny Puppy meeting [see Aug 25th?s update for more info.]
from the top left, clockwise, we have::: two pics of all the people we could cram into one corner of the bar. ?lower right, rene, patrick and their armed rabble... bottom left, billy van rooy & tweek?.
sure it?s bit old, but then again, I am trying to catch up with everything? ok, folks? get yer e-pencils ready?
this review is titled ?Puppy?s album should be hushed? and it attempts to discredit Skinny Puppy?s influence. in light of current events this review seems damn stupid [imho]. if you feel inclined to read the review, it?s here. if you feel inclined to mail the author, april ryan?s addy is here. tks to Asylum Moonan for sending the link and an inflammatory quote is below:::
...and a pic you haven't seen before. sven berger wrote up a big review of the whole Doomsday weekend. this guy is well worth reading. click here for the full review [and pic] and below is a little clip I liked.
it?s nothing
major but Zillo is releasing a double
cd set called ?Zillo - Best of Goth Open Airs 2000.? it features the Skinny
Puppy track [not live, btw] ?Spasmolytic.? here?s a
link to the cover and tracklist. tks thomas.
I assume most
of you have seen the pre-Doomsday pictures of cEvin & Ogre in downtown
Dresden over on the InMove
Skinny Puppy page. for those of you who dug those fotos here?s higher
rez versions of the same shots. [1]
tks markus.
don?t freak out when you read the quote below. I suspect many people are going to take part of the below quote out of context and conclude there will be a US show. read carefully what cEvin is actually saying. it?s very similar to the quick conversation we had regarding the show. InMove is very responsible for the show taking place and that?s often overlooked. it took the dedication of InMove and guys like Joerg Buttgereit, Stefan, the guys who built the props and all the back office guys like Mario to make the show happen. everything lined up just right for Doomsday to happen. not that it couldn?t happen again, it might, but I?d expect a second show promoted and produced by/with by InMove before anything else. so in short, just ?cause cEvin says ?it is possible, maybe? doesn?t mean it will happen. imho.
I?ve really got a bunch more to say on the subject but I think it warrants it?s own space. I?ll pick up this topic again before long.
back to the point::: gothic.thirsty.com has a post-doomsday interview up with cEvin. I highly suggest reading this fellah. here?s a direct link and thanks to bridget who was first in with the link.
cEvin kEy: It is possible, maybe. The problem is that the German company Inmove along with Stefan Herwig Managment took on this show (Doomsday Festival) whole heartedly. It cost a lot of money and time, and also, the people who really wanted to see it happen worked their asses off for the end result. Today it is rare to find so much hard work going into something to make it feel genuine. It would have to be done under the same conditions, and then that could be possible, although not until 2001. I could see doing a show next year in the US, and possibly Japan and Europe. Who knows? I could never have told you that I thought this show in Dresden would ever have happened a year ago. Now it is behind us, and Ogre and I linked again as friends. That is what is important.
August 28, 2000 |
ahhh, I feel much better now after a good sleep. here we go?
ok guys, how ?bout some not-doomsday info? 'sure why not' you say?
whelp, below is the track list for the new Download LP ?Effector? along with the playing time and the cover art [trippy cover eh?]. btw, there?s a huge version of the cover here too. thanks to aaron & armand for the stuff.
1. Carrier
2. Muscaria
3. Vagator
4. Ego Dissolve
5. The Guide
6. Chrysanthenum
7. Ayahuasca
8. Two Worlds
9. Affirmed
album clocks in at a little over 46 mins.
yup, Mtv actually did something of value. [g] there?s a quick write up on Doomsday posted back on aug. 18th right over here. not too bad eh? below is my favorite part of the interview::: ?Dutchman? heh. oh, and tks to matt for being the first to throw this in my mailbox while I was gone.
August 27, 2000 |
this is a placeholder.
sorrta. it?s more like an excuse. I haven?t slowed down since getting back
into the US and I am still so tired. I think Dresden was the last time
I?ve gotten 8 hours of interrupted sleep. I have a massive pile of cool
stuff to post but I?m just outta gas. sorry for the delay. a bunch of real
stuff on monday like:::
two more reviews written by me. one of the press conference and one of the show. I?ve gotten a first draft of each done but the still need some work.
a bunch of more Doomsday pics, reviews & links. plus the master page for SP @ Doomsday.
?and a
wad of other cool stuff?[plus i'll finally catch up on my mail, promise]
before I hit the rack? here?s two guys looking pretty happy.
August 25, 2000 |
it looks like there will be a little delay in getting my pics up. it seems the guy developing the film did a shit job of it. on top of that he apparently noticed what the pictures were and kept good copies for himself! can you believe that? when my wife when to pick the developed film up he had made 5x7?s (or so) for himself color and brightness corrected. he gave her a shitty set and let her know ?if he could keep copies for himself he?d fix our pictures for us at a discount.? amazing isn?t it? perhaps he?d want to swing by my house and grab whatever cds and vids he wants too. or perhaps I should just hand him my wallet. bastard. i'm heading over during lunch to shake the tree
oh yah, happy birthday to me. what a nice present?
oh yah a note and a reminder. first::: if you have a review or pics of the show and need a place to display them. send ?em on over. I should have the first revision of the Doomsday info page up late today. second::: at the show was a limited edition (1,000 copies) Skinny Puppy cd called ?track 10.? of course it?s the missing track from ?Last Rites,? ?Left Handshake.? with my hard earned money [yeah right] I?ve picked up an extra copy to give away to someone who couldn't make the show. as soon as I think up a stupid contest I?ll get that ball rolling.
my voice is almost back. I can almost speak normally now. thanks for asking.
ok? off the job for me. bri3n?s working on some cool gfx for the Doomsday Scrapbook page and I still have a TON of info to post. I?ll get back to it late tonight or so [I think i may be getting sick again [sigh]]. in the meantime check out the tentative release dates above for ?Effector? and ?Crystal Mass? plus the best guess for ?B&F 5.? DOOMSDAY - DAY ONE, PART TWO
an encounter with cEvin Key:::
before I get into any details I must convey how friendly, down to earth and accessible cEvin was. dmso and I spent a good 15-20 minutes or so bugging the man and he didn?t seem to mind. in fact I felt bad keeping him so long. it was a genuine honor to meet him.
ok, on
to a few points. I?m not going to relay the whole conversation since a
bit of it was off topic but here?s a few things I learned:::
?more to come?
Skinny Puppy pre-show meeting:::
let me first say how astounded I was at the number of people who appeared at the Radisson hotel the day before the show. I honestly didn?t expect but a handful of people to appear. just after I got settled into the hotel room I peered out the window and saw what turned out to be DMSO and his wife walking up to the hotel. I figured I better get my ass down there and say hi. when I got downstairs to my surprise there were already a good ten people down there and it wasn?t even 7.00 yet.
?and the people kept coming. I don?t think the bartender had any idea what was in store for her. we swamped that little bar [and stressed her out for sure]. before it was over we must have had 25-30 Skinny Puppy fans, at least, stop by. and it wasn?t just Americans and Germans either, I think every continent was accounted for.
if I knew that many people were going to stop by I would have made more of an effort to make a better plan and find a better place. just before going to the bar my wife asked me how many folks I thought would show up. I said ?I dunno, 5-10 perhaps. not much more.? I was overwhelmed by how many people read this silly little page and wanted to say hello to me [and meet other SP fans of course].
the people reached by the music of Skinny Puppy truly know no bounds and I?m blessed to have met so many cool folks that night. my heartfelt thanks go out to everyone who took out time to introduce themselves and stop by. it was a rare and unique pleasure to talk to everyone.
after about two hours a large group of us headed off to the venue to check the place out and such. it was quite a sight to see a good 12-16 people, most of which were in black Skinny Puppy shirts, walking down the street in masse. we were like an armed rabble looking for someplace to loot. [g]
once we got there and split up to get tickets and such, myself, my wife [mollie], DMSO and his wife ran into cEvin Key right away. it was kinda funny. mollie was saying something like ?what exactly does cEvin look like?? i was talking to dmso so I said something like ?very tall, dreadlocks...? and she said ?like the guy right there?? heh. I turned around and cEvin was about 15 feet behind me.
?more to come?
August 24, 2000 |
before we get to the links a few notes:::
do you have any pictures from, or a review of Skinny Puppy at Doomsday??? if so send it over!!! I?ve got about an hour or so left of work and I?ll start on my complete review (all encompassing) and a page specifically intended to document Doomsday once I get home.
here?s a few
places with Doomsday Skinny Puppy Pics:::
yes, it?s true. I am still among the living. it?s good to be home?
a trip! both figuratively and literally. that was my third trip to
Europe and by far the best of the three. before I get to all the SP Doomsday
stuff here?s a new things I noticed:::
?ok. let?s get back in gear!
August 10, 2000 |
update::: a bit of bad news. the Legendary Pink Dots have canceled their appearance at Doomsday. Velvet Acid Christ will be replacing them on the bill.
and for those of you who may be checking this page after I?m gone who hope to meet up with us on the 19th. here are four maps to help you find your way::: 1, 2, 3, 4.
and the answer the another big question::: how the hell will you guys recognize me in Dresden? whelp, for the first time ever, behold a picture of me with Mark Spybey.
as you can see from the picture Mark is plainly considering hitting me on the head with that bottle he?s holding in an attempt to get me to stop talking. heh. it?d take more than that? [g] /update
ok folks.
time is very near now. I?m off to Germany this Friday so Litany
is about to go stale. I?ll post what I can before I leave but
you know?
now the
real meat:::
on August 19th
there will be a open meeting for all Skinny Puppy fans who happen
to be in Dresden at the time.
the meeting will be at 7.00 pm in the Havana room/bar at the Dresden Radisson. it?s just about in the center of the historic section of Dresden and not far from the venue itself or the train station.
the addy and fone #:
Radisson SAS
Gewandhaus Hotel Dresden
tel: 49 351
49 49-
if you?re planning on being there mail me ASAP and I?ll send you some maps and more info.
the plan
is to meet there then head out into the Dresden night soon afterwards.
August 8, 2000 |
the time is growing near isn?t it?
below is the projected set times for the bands performing at Doomsday. [tks peter pauer]
get in 02.00 pm
03:30 pm till 04:00 pm
change over
20 minutes
04:20 pm till 04:50 pm
change over
20 minutes
PINK DOTS 05:10 pm till 05:45 pm
change over
20 minutes
CHOICE 06:05 pm till 06:40 pm
change over
20 minutes
07:00 pm till 07:55 pm
change over
30 minutes
08:25 pm till 09:25 pm
change over
65 minutes
- SKINNY PUPPY 10:30 pm till 00:00 am
August 7, 2000 |
Todd Z of Godsend fame noticed that Cleopatra is releasing new shorter edits of the rare Skinny Puppy and Download tracks from the ?industrial revolution? series. rather than rehash Todd?s e-mail below is the pertinent parts of his note:::
Cleopatra US has released 'The Very Best of Industrial Revolution' CD (CLP-08382), which includes a shorter, edited version of Skinny Puppy's 'Haunted' (originally found on their 1996 'Industrial Revolution Vol. 3' comp CD/boxset in it's original 9:14 form). This 'new' version runs at approximately 4:52. Also included is a shorter, edited version of Download's 'Mothersonne (remixed by Newt)', which is curiously missing a full minute from the mix on 'Microscopic'. The compilation also includes tracks from such notables as Front Line Assembly, Einsturzende Neubauten, Test Dept, Controlled Bleeding, Psychic TV, Killing Joke, Laibach, and Penal Colony (remixed by FLA).
both e-zine earpolution and print rag future music have reviewed that gem of a comp ?wild planet.?
the review in Future Music is in the #98 August 2000 issue and they give at a commendable 9/10. below is the little review as typed in by jason hensley.
August 2, 2000 |
one of the winners of the Nettwerk Remix Dys Temper remix contest, has
updated their own remix of ?Dig It.? why? whelp to quote band member Quentin
MacMillan: ?The mix was redone chiefly because I couldn't really stand
the old one (plus Nettwerk owns it now).? good enough for me. here?s
link to the mp3.
Off and Gone website updated::: that kinda says it all doesn?t it? aaron has freshened up the webpage for Philth and Dan Handrabur?s project Off and Gone. and speaking of Philth, did you guys notice his posts on the Litany Forum a few weeks ago? insightful stuff.
Tear Garden
pics::: here?s a collection of Tear
Garden pics from the IPK released a few years ago by Nettwerk.
these guys should help whet your appetite for the new TG LP ?Crystal Mass?
due out this fall. here be the
link. thks go to thomas for
the pics.
'97 - Dec '97 Jan
'98 - Apr '98 May
'98 - Aug '98 Sept
'98 - Dec '98 Jan
'99 - Apr '99
'99 - Aug '99 Sep
'99 - Dec '99 Jan
'00 - Apr '00 May
'00 - Jul '00